Daniel Liu

About Me

B o y s today I will be trying to market myself by making a generic website. Hi, I'm Dan Liu, recent graduate of Rutgers University with a B.S. in Bioinformatics and a minor in Computer Science. My experience using data science in bioinformatics research piqued my interest in the field, so I'm currently pursuing a M.S. in Data Science at Rutgers University. If you're viewing this on your phone I apologize for the mess, I'm currently wrangling React to get it to be mobile-friendly 😅
Coded using Next.js, React, and TailwindCSS if you were curious

Mahjong Computer Vision Model

Computer vision model that is able to recognize and classify mahjong tiles in a hand for next-move recommendations.

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Mobile User Authentication with Deep Learning

Convolutional neural network (CNN) model using Wi-fi channel state information (CSI) data to identify specific users and activities

Virus DNA Language Model

Deep learning language model employing the AWD-LSTM architecture (commonly used in natural language processing) to learn patterns associated specifically with viral DNA

Contact Me
Feel free to reach out to me using any of the platforms below!